Q and A

Q1: Describe the difference between an XML Sitemap and a HTML Sitemap. List the benefits and disadvantages of using each.
  1. The XML sitemap is the machine-readable sitemap created in an Extensible Markup Language (XML) that contains information about all of your website URLs along with the matadata. HTML sitemap is a sitemap written in hypertext markup language that serves as a directory of links or table of contents for your website pages. The difference between HTML and XML sitemap is that XML sitemap is used to help search crawlers navigate your website, while HTML sitemap guides users through your store pages. XML sitemap is for search engines while XTML sitemap is for humans.
  2. The benefits of XML sitemap: XML can avoid content duplication issues. XML sitemap shows search engines the date and even time the content was published which validates you as the owner of the content in case it gets duplicated without your permission. XML has better website crawlability. It contains all of your website pages, sitemap makes it easier for search engines spiders to crawl and discover those pages, even if some don't have any internal links. XML has faster pages indexation. XML sitemap is the best way to notify search engines about new or edited content which boosts the indexing and improves search rankings.
  3. The benefits of HTML sitemap: HTML sitemap has internal linking opportunities. It is a page with multiple internal website links that allow you to jump to any page of your store which is a great internal linking asset. HTML has better website navigation. Regardless of whether you have archived content, a sitemap could be a directory of all equally assessible pages which improves navigation. HTML can improve crawling start point. Since HTML sitemap is a page with the anchor link, it comes in handy for search crawlers that can discover and index pages placed there.
Q2: Evaluate three IDE's (Integrated development environments) and provide a brief summary on the positive and negative aspects of each. Also, in your own words include how it would suit an entry level trainee code developer.
  1. 1. Visual Studio Code.
  2. Positive: VS Code is free to use and open-source, making it accessible to all developers. It offers a lot of extensions that allow developers to tailor their IDE to their specific needs. It supports a wide range of programming languages and frameworks out of the box.
  3. Negative: It can be resource-intensive, especially when using numerous extensions, which might not suit underpowered computers.
  4. It suits an entry level trainee code developer due to its user-fridendly interface, extensive documentation, and active community. It allows beginners to start coding quickly with support for multiple languages and offers room for growth as they become more experienced.
  5. 2. JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA.
  6. Positive: IntelliJ IDEA is excellent for Java development and offers intelligent code completion and refactoring suggestions, which can significantly boost productivity.
  7. Negative: The advanced features of IntelliJ IDEA are only available in the paid Ultimate Edition. Resource usage might impact the performance on less powerful machines.
  8. IntelliJ IDEA(the Community Edition) suits an entry level trainee code developer who is interested in Java development. Its intelligent code assistance can help beginners learn best practces.
  9. 3. Eclipse.
  10. Positive: Eclipse is a free and open-source. It supports a wide range of programming language and has a robust ecosystem of plugins and extensions. It is less resource-intensive than some other IDEs.
  11. Negative: The user interface can be less intuitive for beginners. Some features may not be as polished as those in other IDEs. Developers may need to install specific plugins to access some functionalities.
  12. Eclipse can be a good choice for entry-level trainee code developer looking for a free and versatile IDE with support for various programming languages. Trainee code developer may need some guidance to make the most of Eclipse's capabilities.
Q3: Provide a brief history on web browser development and the issues encountered by web developers, specifically, the adherence to web standards.
  1. In 1990s, it is know as “Browser Wars” between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Exlporer (IE). It resulted in browsers implementing proprietary features and non-standard HTML elements to gain a competitive edge. In late 1990s- Early 2000s, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) began defining and standardizing HTML and CSS. HTML 4 and CSS2 became important standards for web development. From 2000s, Internet Exporer achieved significant market dominance, leading to web developers creating websites optimized for IE, often using non-standard code. A grassroots “web standards” movement emerged among web developers advocating for adherence to W3C standards and best practices. Brower like Chrome, Firefox and Safari gained popularity for their commitment to standards. Nowadays, web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript ES6 are well-established and widely supported by modern browsers. Web developers increasingly focus on accessibility, performance optimization, and progressive web apps.
  2. The issues encountered by web developers includes the browser incompatibility, legacy code and testing and debugging. Web developers faced difficulities in ensuring consistent rendering and behavior across different browsers. Older websites often contained non-standard code tailored to specific browsers, making maintenance and updates challenging. Ensuring cross-browser campatibility required extensive testing and debugging efforts.
Q4: What are website testing methodologies? Your answer MUST cover browser compatibility, and website functionality.
  1. Website testing is a critical phase in website development to ensure that a website functions correctly and consistently across different browsers and devices. 1. Browser compatibility testing. Test website on popular web browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge. Ensure capatibility with both the latest and earlier versions. Test website on different operating system and devices to ensure a responsive design and functionality across a wide range of environments. 2. Website functionality testing. Create test cases that cover all the features and functionality of website, including forms, navigation, links, buttones, user registration, login, and data submission. Verify that each function performs as intended. Test website performance by measuring page load times, response times, and server latency. Ensure that website loads quickly and efficiently.
Q5: What are the endorsed requirements of accessibility for all NT Government webpages?
  1. The NT Governments has endorsed the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0). All NT Government websites and web content meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA compliance.
Q6: How do you think it's best to organise all the assets used for a specific webpage? Think locally on your computer AND within the root folder of the website.
  1. By orgainzing assets used for a specific webpage in a structured manner, I will create a root folder for the website project. This will serve as the root directory for all assets and files related to the website. Then, create subdirectories for different asset types, like css, images, videos. Create HTML files like index, about directly in the root folder. Besides the assets within the root folder, I will also create the images,video, version control and other documentation locally on the computer.